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Have the courage to trust love one more time...

Astrology and Archetypes for Leo Season

This video is part of Creative Contemplation—rituals and practices to help you harmonize with the energy of the season and remember your connection to spirit, nature, and each other. ✨💗🌿

“Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.”
―Maya Angelou


Welcome to Leo season!

Leo season begins July 22nd and lasts through August 22nd, with the new moon in Leo August 4th. This month I’m trying something different for our Creative Contemplation practice. Rather than sending a monthly new moon letter with the astrology, archetypes, creative inspiration, and a tarot reading, I’m sharing each season’s intuitive insights weekly, weaving together the themes in smaller, digestible nuggets.

It feels more like a conversation this way, something you can listen to on a walk outside, or read during a slow morning ritual with a cup of coffee or tea. I hope this will help you harmonize with the ebb and flow of energy in a more supportive, nurturing way.

Our affirmation for Leo season is “I am courageous.” You can download the free lunar calendar and journal with monthly affirmations below.

Free Creative Contemplation Journal

Listen or watch the video above for intuitive insights on this month’s astrology and an exploration of the archetype “The Bully.”

This month’s archetype from Caroline Myss’ Archetypes Oracle Deck

Next week, I’ll share a tarot reading for the New Moon in Leo with a new moon blessing. Finally, we’ll wrap up Leo season with some creative inspiration to nourish your soul and end with a virtual nature journaling workshop, “Noticing Resilience” August 17th at 11am EST.

Sign up

I also wanted to share a link for the replay of our nature journaling workshop, “Noticing our home,” recorded last weekend. We had the honor of sharing a special moonlit evening together, co-hosted by

, an Indigenous interculturalist and spiritual worker. She led us in a beautiful moon-gazing ritual that was soul nourishing. For the next seven days you can watch the replay for free. After July 30th it will go behind a paywall for paying members of Heartbeats.

Make sure you revisit the Creative Contemplation homepage often for rituals, tools, and guidance to deepen your spiritual practice, refill your well, and remember your connection to all that is. ✨💗

Lastly, let me know how you’d like to receive future Creative Contemplation insights and inspiration by filling out the poll below. I believe whole-heartedly that engaging with these tools and practices can provide an achor of love, healing, and strength for our human journey. I want to offer them in a way that serves you best. 😊


See you at the new moon next week!

All my love,

P.S. Are you at a crossroads and needing more clarity or help tapping into your inner wisdom? I’m available for a limited number of personal tarot readings and would love to hold compassionate space for you to receive messages of affirmation and love from Spirit.

Book a tarot reading with me

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Creative Contemplation
Rituals, tools, and intuitive insights to deepen your spiritual practice, refill your well, and remember your connection to all that is. ✨💗