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Leo: I am Courageous

New Moon in Leo tarot reading ☀️🦁💗

This video is part of Creative Contemplation—rituals and practices to help you harmonize with the energy of the season and remember your connection to spirit, nature, and each other. ✨💗🌿

“If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.” —John Irving


Today’s New Moon in Leo is an opportunity to check in with your heart. A time to connect to Spirit, and fan your inner light. How can you sustain your creativity and infuse your life with a sense of playfulness?

The Sun from the Decolonized Tarot deck.

New Moon Tarot Reading

Tune into this month’s tarot reading to find out:

  • How is the Universe supporting you during Leo season?

  • How can you tend to your inner flame?

  • As your heart expands, how can you work with your shadow?

  • What will bring more joy and creativity into your life?

  • What’s the next courageous act you can take?

Listen while taking a walk, or pull out your favorite journal and make a cup of tea. New moons are a great time to reflect, align, and set intentions for the upcoming month (until the next new moon), six months (until the next full moon in Leo), or year (until the next new moon in Leo).

If you’d like to learn more about the astrology and archetype for Leo season, watch or listen to this video.

I’d love to help you tap into your intuition and receive clarity with a one-on-one tarot reading. You can book a 15, 30 minute, or hour-long session with me here.

Book a tarot reading ✨

For this reading, I used the traditional (well-loved) Rider-Waite deck, the Light Seer’s deck, The Rose Oracle, and the Hearts Quest deck by

who’s work is an incredible resource for all creatives.

New Moon Blessing

May you respect your unique heart-light by nurturing that which brings you joy. May you lean into life with vulnerability, courage, and resilience, knowing that the life force that warms the earth is also within you. May you lead with gentle determination, confident in your value and purpose. May you remember to be silly, loosen your limbs, and soak in the sun, basking in the radiance within and without.

All my love,

P.S. I’d love to hear your reflections or any insights you’d like to share.

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P.P.S. Don’t forget to join us for our next Nature Journaling Workshop on August 17th, at 11 AM EST. This is a pay-what-you-can event. A replay will be available but join us live for the full experience. ☀️📓🏵️

Sign up here

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Creative Contemplation
Rituals, tools, and intuitive insights to deepen your spiritual practice, refill your well, and remember your connection to all that is. ✨💗