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Aries: I am inspired

A guide to nurture your creativity and tend to your Spirit during Aries season


If you’re new to our Creative Contemplation practice, welcome. 

This is the first letter in our year-long journey of inner discovery and harmony.

Together, we’ll learn more about the cosmic forces weaving through our lives by working with tarot, astrology, and archetypes. We’ll reconnect to the natural world through poetry, nature journaling, and prompts to help us notice and remember our relationship to the land and each other. 

Aries is the first sign of the astrological year (March 19th-April 19th). A cardinal, fire sign Aries is about action, initiation, autonomy, selfhood, and masculine “yang” energy. It’s vibrant and full of vitality, like a young warrior “bursting on the scene.”

It’s also hopeful, determined, enthusiastic, and naive.

This year, Aries falls during an eclipse season, activating the Aries/Libra access and the current North and South Nodes, which some say are points of destiny. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra takes place March 25th, followed by the Solar Eclipse in Aries, April 8th. We also celebrate the balancing of night and day during the Spring Equinox, the same day we enter Aries season. 

Click the photo above to download the March Lunar Calendar.

Needless to say, there’s a LOT of energy shifting this next lunar month! 

Our grounding affirmation for this season is, “I am inspired.”

What is your relationship with inspiration? Is it something you resist or welcome? Does it overwhelm you or make you feel more alive? Are you someone who allows yourself to embrace the excitement of not having all the answers?

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Lao Tzu

This is the beginning of major breakthroughs and turning points. This is not a time to plan or uphold strict schedules or expectations of timing. We’re not supposed to know where we’ll end up, yet. But that doesn’t mean we don’t start.

Inspiration, like courage, is a collective resource. It’s something we can draw on from others and share with the world, in turn. 


This month’s archetype is The Visionary. This archetype asks us to hold a clear vision in our minds and hearts without needing tangible evidence or proof. It asks us to soften our gaze, widen our perspective, and dream BIGGER than we’ve ever allowed ourselves to dream. 

Oracle deck by Caroline Myss

At this point in human history, being a visionary is necessary for our survival. 

As I write, the sound of machines cutting down trees filters through, a noise interrupting our daily lives for weeks, the violent act of breaking branches loud and inescapable. 

Our families, ecosystems, and the sanctity of all life hang in the balance, waiting for us to create new ways of sharing this beautiful planet.

We’ve lived through the consequences of capitalism. We know the harm it’s caused and now, we must face its destructive aftermath with bravery and hope. It’s time to shift our values and our heroes.

How can we look to those who have been marginalized for inspiration? How can we center their voices, ideas, and solutions? How can we call on indigenous wisdom and spiritual leaders to show us the path of regeneration?

Recommended Reading:
Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, by Charles Eisenstein
Building a Hopeful Future-

Want to learn more about how your archetypes and astrology interact? Join me this Saturday, March 23rd for a creative soul workshop. 🧭💗

15% off Archetypes + Astrology

Tarot Reading

The Moon (in Reverse), Moonlight (in Reverse), and Education

Enchanted Map Oracle Deck by Colette Baron-Reid
The Light Seer’s Tarot

Wow. We got the Moon in reverse twice. It’s a Full Moon in both cards which reminds me of the first Lunar Eclipse we’ll be experiencing in Libra, April 25th. In reverse, these cards are reminding us not to get overwhelmed by everything we don’t know. The changes we’re experiencing now may make us feel upside-down in our world. Can we trust our relationship with Spirit to guide us through the unknown?

Can we trust in ourselves, our dreams, and our intuition as we navigate new territory?

Enchanted Map Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid

As we leave Pisces season (a time of surrender) and move into Aries (a time of action) we may feel a little wobbly and unsure what to do next. The Education card is a gentle prompt to start by gaining knowledge. Who can you ask for help or advice? How can you draw on others for inspiration?

Sometimes beginning looks like getting a book from the library, watching a documentary, volunteering with a new community organization, or signing up for a class. Small steps lead to long-term change. As we move through significant shifts in our lives during eclipse season, it’s okay to respond with slow, gentle, steps forward. 

Join us in community as we celebrate the Solar Eclipse with Tea + Tarot, an hour of poetry, tarot reading, and journaling (free/donation based offering). ✨🌒

Tea + Tarot Solar Eclipse Celebration

Nature Journaling: How do we begin to notice?

Our theme for this month’s nature journaling workshop is “How do we begin to notice?” (Free for paying Heartbeats Members). We'll explore the founding principles of nature journaling, and how it can help us connect to the outside world during an hour of poetry, doodling, and journaling.

What you’ll gain from this workshop:

  • A deeper relationship with the natural world 

  • Observational practices that cultivate curiosity and wonder

  • Time to honor your creativity in community with others

  • Guided prompts and poetry to inspire and nurture your connection to nature

  • Freedom to share your experience and findings

What’s not included:

  • Regimented rules or technical expertise

  • In-depth explanations of the process of art-making or scientific deep dives 

  • Shaming, judging, or comparison. Everyone’s creativity is welcome and celebrated!

Sign up here or upgrade your membership to receive the link to join. 🌿

Upgrade your Membership

Journal Prompts

  1. What fuels your inner fire? Is it rage, or hope? Is it service to others? What does your fire look like? Is it a wildfire? A warm hearth where others can gather for comfort? A small candle in a dark room? Draw or visualize your fire.

  2. What stories of hope and transformation can you carry with you for inspiration during times of uncertainty?

  3. What’s coming to life in the natural world where you live?

Aries Season Blessing

May you move with determination, curiosity, and boldness. May you honor all of the ways you do not yet know how the path will unfold. May you breathe into the deep spaces of insecurity, lighting a candle in the depths of your heart every time you feel like an imposter.

May you lean into the power of community, asking others for help and guidance as you begin a new adventure that only you can begin. As the ground begins to shift beneath, may you find stability in the integrity by which you move, in alignment with your soul’s calling and the vision that only you can dream. 

All my love,

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Creative Contemplation
Nurture your creativity in harmony with the seasons. An astrological guide to deepening your creative practice.
Mariah Friend