Beautiful! I also love that video from Brene Brown 💛

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Isn't it great? Thank you for being here!

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Really beautiful! Thank you for this

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Mariah, I love the way you've shared listening as sacred witnessing.

"how can you offer yourself the gift of sacred witnessing, for all you are and all you are becoming?"

I can offer it by remembering that this is the space that creates both the most presence and transformation in my life.

"How might you soften your defenses so that you can be fully present?"

staying in my heart

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I'm glad it resonated! Softening into presence can feel so vulnerable, not to have immediate answers or solutions, staying with the unknown, with whatever emotions are asking for our tender attention. It's brave and necessary to cultivate our aliveness. 💗

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thank you for these lovely words serving as an important reminder. 💖

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I love the idea of sacred witnessing Mariah and the space it creates to observe what is happening without forming an immediate response, solution or fix. Eventually so,etching shifts, arises or comes to the surface and you know that’s what you needed to see. Thank you 🙏💫

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Thank you for sharing your reflections! I love the idea of allowing things to surface naturally and seeing with a clear vision. Thank you for being here. 💗

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Oh gosh I love that my piece inspired this beautiful piece. What a wonderful web of creativity and sacred expression this space is!

Thank you for witnessing my words, my truth, and for truly seeing the rawness and letting it be. That is such medicine and I love how you have worded this all. Sacred Witnessing... magic. Xxx

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Yes! That’s one thing I love about this platform- when we’re brave enough to share our authenticity, it does have a ripple effect and there’s something about this community that really cultivates that. Thanks again for being here and being you. 💗

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