Spark: New Moon in Aries
Nurture your creativity in harmony with the seasons
Welcome the very first new moon letter! I am so excited to start this journey with you. Every month, I’ll be sharing ways to nurture your creativity and harmonize with the energy of the season. (Don’t forget to download your free Creative Contemplation journal for a new moon calendar, monthly affirmations, and more)!
Hello, Aries! I’m definitely feeling somewhat antsy as this energy moves through. Excited, a bit nervous, (maybe even a little reckless?) I just want to try new things and see what happens!
The second new moon in Aries this year (a rare occurrence) falls on April 20th. It’s also a solar eclipse which means the energy will be supercharged. Fresh and fun, Aries season (March 20th- April 20th) gives us the energy and stamina we need to follow our wildest dreams.
I’m married to an Aries and let me tell you- this sign has a lot to offer. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is the initiator. It’s fiery, passionate, and impulsive. Future-oriented, this cardinal sign has little time for what has been.
I chose the word spark for April’s theme because like striking a match several times, our ideas might not come to life on the first attempt. This month encourages you not to give up on the first thing or first try. Keep flicking the match. This is the perfect energy to take action toward your creative goals, even if it’s small.
Tarot card reading
Tuning into the energy of Aries, I pulled two tarot cards from the Light Seer’s deck. The Two of Cups in reverse and The Star.
Each Zodiac sign has an opposite- a balancing point, if you will. The opposite of Aries is Libra. As individualistic and fiery as Aries is, Libra is measured, focused on relationships and harmony.
The Two of Cups in reverse is a reminder to let go of our need for the perfect relationship or partnership. Interdependence can become co-dependence if we are not able or willing to stand on our own two feet. Are you sacrificing your dreams, ideas, or personhood in the name of keeping the peace?
Aries season says it’s time to let that shit go. Your worth is not connected to another person, job, or situation. If you are compromising your authenticity to remain in your comfort zone, this is your sign that better things are ahead.
The Star is a beautiful card of reassurance. Your highest hopes and wishes are supported by the Universe, but you must take action.
“I have found that you do have only to take one step toward the gods, and they will then take ten steps toward you. That step, the heroic first step of the journey, is out of, or over the edge of, your boundaries, and it often must be taken before you know that you will be supported.”
~ Joseph Campbell
The Star is one of my favorite cards in the tarot because traditionally, it follows the Tower card, a card of unexpected destruction, upheaval or disappointment. The Star promises that whatever loss you’re experiencing, there is a new beginning in alignment with Spirit on the other side.
This is a collaborative playlist so add your own songs and let’s have a dance party!
Creative Prompts
Use the reflection page in your Creative Contemplation journal (or another notebook) to spend some time brainstorming (even better if it’s on the Aries new moon, April 20th). What projects make your heart beat a little faster? What are you feeling passionate about? List any and all ideas you have down on paper.
Let it sit for a week.
Is there an idea or two you want to pursue further? Are there ones that have lost their initial “spark” that you can discard or return to later?
Write down any judgments that come up when you look over your brainstorming list. Ask yourself, are they true? Are they helpful?
Working with Aries energy can be exhilarating and liberating, however, there is a need to be careful of burnout. Tend to your physical body as much as your mental health. Getting into our bodies can be a great way to ground our enthusiasm and let it flow through us rather than getting overheated and stuck in our heads.
“Fear (anxiety) is excitement without breath).” -Robert Heller
Drink water. Rest. Pause in between the bursts of energy. Don’t let yourself get frustrated if they don’t last. Working with the flow of energy when it's present will help you build momentum for when it fades.
“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.”
-Virginia Woolf
Pinterest Mood Board

Check out the full board and add your own pins here!
New Moon Blessing
May you be imbued with renewed courage, inspiration, and hope. May the life force within you create abundance within and without. May you go forth with boldness, tenacity, and an unwavering belief in yourself. Shine bright, dear one!
All my love.
P.S. I loved writing this letter and I hope it’s given you some fun ways to connect to the Aries new moon to nurture your creativity. I’d love to hear your thoughts below! Don’t forget to chime in to this month’s new moon in Aries chat (at any time!) with any insights or resources that pop up along the way!